Life is ALWAYS Changing—So Why Are We Chasing the Perfect Routine?

I’m right in the middle of hosting an exclusive six-week course for the women who attended my last retreat - we’re diving into my signature Core Four course. These are the four tools I lean on daily to keep my mind, heart, body, and soul in check with who I am and how I want to live life—I started offering it as a course this spring because they’ve been life changing for me and I wanted to share them with others. ✨

Here’s one thing I notice: Whether we’re learning about some limiting patterns or stepping into our creative expression, learning and growing feels good. It feels energizing, motivating, and enlightening. And whether we're doing this in a group, with a coach, or working on our personal development solo, one of the keys to continual growth is staying focused on the practice. It’s not about doing it perfectly or having the “right” routine every day. It’s about building essential practices that help you feel centered no matter what the day throws at you.

Side-note: I'll be hosting this class next April so if you wanna be on the early bird list, reply here!

One recent lively discussion was about how, while it might seem “easier” to do all the calming activities when everyone’s out of the house or you’re at the office and have a typical day… the reality is, typical days are kinda atypical. Kids have random days off, get sick, or get released at 1pm, the Internet goes out while you’re trying to work from home, people are coming to your house working on random things that need maintenance, you have one of those bi-annual doctor appointments to go to and get labs for, Halloween is coming and you wanna put up some fall decor, etc etc etc.  The idea of having a perfectly structured day and week? Yeah, that’s pretty much a fantasy. 😅

The truth is, no day is “normal,” so having a (large and amazing) toolkit you can pull from to realign when you start feeling off-centered is crucial. We need flexible practices to keep us grounded, because life doesn't go as planned.

As Wayne Dyer said, “Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be.” That’s why we need go-to tools—they help us own our stories and own our lives, no matter how messy life gets. 💪

Why is it important to find that peace anyway? The calmer you are, the clearer you think. And let’s be honest, your decisions (and access to creative possibilities) are way different when they come from a place of peace rather than reaction, right?

And how do we find that peace? In the midst of the chaos?  We work at it. Actively. And we build a toolkit that helps make calmness our new normal. 🛠️

Here’s some good news: Whether you're growing in a live group or doing the work on your own, steps toward your growth is what really counts. In fact, studies show that 95% of people who set goals are more likely to reach them with regular progress tracking (source: American Psychological Association). Group learning and self-paced courses are both powerful—you just need the right tools to keep you moving forward.

So, if you’re someone who likes learning at your own pace, stay tuned—I'll be launching a baby-online course soon to help you do just that! 🎉

And in the meantime, if something grabs your attention, even just a little bit, Go for it!  Why not give yourself a chance to level up and approach life just a little bit differently?

Do you have a go-to tool when life feels chaotic? I’d love to know what works for you (or if you’re still figuring it out). Maybe it’s something in your pocket, on your phone, or a note stuck to your fridge? Let me know!


Election Day Feels? Let’s Keep It Steady, Friends


Plug Those Pesky Energy Leaks & Feel Amazing Again! 💥