Stop Draining Your Energy - Shift that Shi* in Seconds 

Change your energy, change the world.

It sounds crazy.  It sounds grandiose.  But isn’t that ALL we really have control over? Our energy and where we choose to direct it. And, eventually, doesn’t everyone’s energy contribute to changing the world.

Last week, I talked about the power of community—and good lord, what you can do with a dedicated group is POWERFUL!

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” ~Margaret Mead

But let’s talk about your role in that community, in any community. You have to take care of your energy. Your attitude. How you show up.

When you’re rushing through your day, pissed that you’re late, mad at traffic, or fuming over the news or someone’s words—guess what? You’re blaming reality. But fighting what’s already happening is a waste of time - it only drains your precious energy.

That’s energy you could be using to literally do anything else... to move forward.

Shit happens every day.

Take yesterday: After rearranging schedules, I was already late getting my kids to school and was about to miss my pre-booked and paid workout class. Just before heading out, I knocked over a full gigantic water bottle—spilling all over my desk, soaking papers, files, and 15+ cords.

It was a sliding doors moment that could’ve gone a lot of ways. In the past, I would have cursed, muttered frustration under my breath, and carried that anger through my whole day. But this time? I screamed (because I’m jumpy), asked the kids for towels, and cleaned it up. Then, I paused—acknowledged it was just water, and I was so glad it didn’t fall on my toe—and moved on.

The difference? Three extra minutes. That’s it. But those three minutes could’ve been packed with frustration (that I held onto all day), or handled with calm.

How you manage your energy affects everything- yourself and everyone around you.  The energy you radiate is felt, shared, and influences those in your space... so take care of you!


Feeling off? Having a moment?  Want to get back to your neutral or best self? Here are six quick tips to shake that sh** and shift your energy!  

1. Shake it Off. Play a song that makes you want to dance, rap, roll your windows down and belt it out. Whether it’s Ying Yang Twins & Pitbull's Shake, Taylor Swift’s Shake It Off or Florence and the Machine’s Shake it Out, let the music reset you. I’ve also got a great booty-shaking Spotify playlist I hit up often- want it?  Lemme know!

2. Move Your Energy. Sometimes, the best way to clear intense energy is to move. Sprint, bike, do burpees—whatever works. If you can't do a big workout in that moment, do 20 squat-jumps, 10 solid push-ups, or... and I'm not kidding here, roll up a big magazine or newspaper and bang it 20x on a chair with all you've got. Trust me, it works!

3. Laugh. Cue up some funny clips—Google a cat video or a classic blooper reel. Laughter is one of the quickest ways to lighten your energy.

Now, if you’re looking for ways to c-a-l-m your nervous system, try these:

1. Listen to calming music. Beautiful Chorus is my go-to for this. I’ve also got a great collection of beautiful serene music on spotify - reply to this email for the link!

2. Try deep breathing. Box breathing or alternate nostril breathing can help shift you into a more relaxed state.

3. Journal - write it allllllll out.  Let it go.

Be patient—these methods might not work immediately. Let yourself transition and give it time for your energy to alchemize.

Listen, I’m not asking you to ignore the hard stuff or chase toxic positivity. Getting clarity on your own limiting beliefs, repetitive patterns, and more deeply rooted issues is undoubtedly a massive step toward your own freedom - it’s hard but that work transformed my life. 

If you’re constantly feeling triggered or off-balance, maybe it’s time to slow down and do something different. Give yourself compassion and do the work. Go to therapy. Journal. Get to the bottom of it.  Listen to your emotions and what they’re trying to tell you. Feel your feelings fully, and then let them go.

Because how you show up does matter. While it's important to recognize how your energy impacts others, it's just as crucial to understand how deeply it affects you. The energy you carry is what surrounds and supports you. When you fully embrace, uplift, and love yourself enough to take responsibility for your energy, that love and light overflows - touching and uplifting everyone around you.

That kind of energy? It’s powerful. It matters. It's a ripple effect. It’s world-changing.

Sending Humungous amounts of Love and Bright Light Energy to all of You! ✨ 


The Power of Five Seconds ⏳


✨ The Power of Community: We're Not Meant To Do It All Alone ✨