Goals Take Time - 4 Tips to Keep on Track
A good friend of mine was sharing her frustrations with me recently, about how she is trying to be patient with her goals that seem to be taking for-ev-er.
And I get it. You want to SEE progress. You want to FEEL like things are changing. You want to know that your work is for SOMETHING.
And yet, Good Things Take Time and sometimes we have to just sit in the uncertainty, trust we are on the right path, and keep making progress.
As a mom of two boys, I know how the struggle to get stuff done can be extremely hard! Little humans who are at your feet and wanting to play with you, or who are sick and need your undivided attention, or who don’t sleep for a few nights, or who need to eat 3 solid meals and have 1,000 snacks a day. Kids can be right in your face and take more time than you imagined.
There are seasons in life and if you’re in a season where getting shi* done is going a little slower, try not to beat yourself up. Here are 4 easy tricks to keep you on track and feeling like you are closer to attaining your goals!
Remember Your Why. Keep front and center why achieving that goal is so important to you. How will it make you feel when you achieve it? When you start to get down, come back to this why and fire yourself up again.
Make little goals out of your big goals. Break that enormous and amazing massive goal into smaller goals with smaller wins. Maybe there are a few things you can do in the next 3 months that will help move you closer to that bigger goal. Write and track those micro-goals.
Break it down, AGAIN! With those micro-goals, make achievable mini-goals and a task list to start crossing things off. Pretty soon, lots of mini-goals AND micro-goals are achieved, and you will be working into the next phase of your project.
Celebrate! Although you haven’t achieved the big monstrous goal yet, celebrate the mini-wins as you move yourself closer to the big win! Those mini-wins are HUGE and as a woman who has so much on her plate, maybe even a bigger deal then you ever would have recognized before. So celebrate the hard work it took to achieve those mini goals, however big and however small.
You can do this and you are worth the achievement. It might take longer to achieve your goals because of what is happening in life, but if it is important enough to you, you’ll make it happen. Enjoy the journey along the way.